Moscow to Kazan Train Information
Searching for an efficient way to travel from the Russian capital to the beautiful Tatar city of Kazan? You are definitely on the right page as Moscow to Kazan trains are the most popular means of transportation on this route. Choosing among the rail options, the majority of travelers opt for overnight trains, as well as choose from either the regular or the more top-notch double-deckers. In Moscow, trains depart from the Kazansky Railway Station, located just in the city center easily accessible by the subway, and arrive at the Central Station of the capital of Tatarstan, glorious Kazan. As a rule, the Moscow to Kazan train schedule includes around 6 departures per day so you are free to choose the most suitable options. The overall distance between the cities is about 790 km (490 miles), meaning that the average Moscow to Kazan train time for the ride takes more than 11-12 hours. Though there's no Moscow - Kazan high-speed train on the route yet, the Russian government has already started a project on launching a new type of train which will be able to travel on the speed of 360 km per hour (225 miles per hour) and cover the distance in less than 4 hours.