8232 km
モスクワ train stations
ウラジオストク to モスクワ Train Information
As you know, magnificent Russia boasts an advanced railway network, connecting all the main population centers in the country, and the Vladivostok - Moscow train route is among the most comfortable ways to travel between the cities. The trains serving the railway route boast great safety records, impeccable punctuality, and can cover the distance from Vladivostok to Moscow in about 6.5 days. During the journey, the passengers are welcome to take advantage of great onboard amenities, including cushy seats, ample legroom, and more than generous luggage space. The departure schedule of Vladivostok to Moscow trains is very extensive and offers up to 2 daily departures, so you can choose the time that works the best with your travel plans.
Popular Train Routes From ウラジオストク and モスクワ
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